Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Apis cerana and Varroa jacobsoni in Townsville – No. 16

Thought I would let you know that since the destruction of the tenth nest in November there have been no foraging Asian bees seen in Townsville.

Departmental staff are out actively carrying out floral sweeping and also using the helium balloon to check for Asian bee drones.

Local beekeepers have commenced the second round of checking managed hives by either alcohol washes, sugar shakes or drone brood uncapping. Tests to date have been negative for Varroa jacobsoni.

The industry volunteer program has been suspended at the moment due to the impeding wet season.

The Department have distributed over 62,000 leaflets to Townsville residents asking them to be on the lookout for Asian bees or feral European bee nests. The public response has been very pleasing with all reports being follow up.

Trevor Weatherhead
Executive Director
19 December, 2016