Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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AFB Awareness Month: Update

It's three weeks into this special AFB Awareness Month, aimed at protecting the health of your bees.

Hundreds of beekeepers across the state have been inspecting their hives and taking the appropriate action. What about you?

There's still time to join in. Visit our web page for info and links.

ABA clubs have free AFB diagnosis packs - containing info sheets, slides and mailers - for every  member. Contact your club's secretary for information about collecting yours.

Steritech is extending its offer of free packaging - known as bee cartons - for every beekeeper who wants to irradiate equipment.  To qualify for this offer you must collect from the Wetherill Park facility by October 31 and quote code DPI007. These cartons are reusable so it's good to have one at the ready for now and in the future.

Need help understanding AFB? Read our Guide to best online information on AFB

Report AFB by calling 02 9741 4790 or via the DPI's online form

Let us know how your hive inspections went by filling in our short online survey. Your feedback is important.  It helps the ABA help amateur beekeepers and keep your bees safe.