Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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The Amateur Beekeeper - Feb/Mar 2017

In this issue...

  • Welcome to the ABA in 2017: membership trends, resolving online payment problems
  • Doug Somerville writes on: The essentials of dealing with pests and diseases
  • Swarm Collector: It’s time to register on the new online system
  • ABA Club competition: get competitive with honey, wax, photos, cakes and much more
  • Hive hints Six ways to be a perfect beekeeper
  • Small Hive Beetle: Research on the nose
  • SHB update Plus test-and-tag your electrics
  • Natural beekeeping. The movement is gaining momentum around the world. Here’s how to find out more
  • News: ABA meets DPI on biosecurity concerns
  • Snippets from our history. Plus help needed to gather information
  • Easter Show: Your chance to volunteer at Honeyland
  • March Council Meeting: where, when and what’s to be discussed
  • New club update. Plus an invitation for travellers
  • Bees in the news. Scientists uncover yet more ways that bees set a stellar example.
  • Inveterate Inventor cuts 10-frame boxes down to size
  • AGM in Ballina. May 21
  • ABA Tech Grants
  • Club contacts

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