Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Macarthur Beekeepers notice

New Country of Origin Food Labelling Law – free webinar for businesses

At 6:30pm on Thursday 22 June AEST the ACCC, along with representatives from peak industry groups, will be streaming a free webinar on the new law. The webinar will focus on the practical issues for businesses complying with the new food labelling requirements before they become mandatory on 1 July 2018.

The webinar will address the following questions:

  • Who needs to make a country of origin claim?
  • What do 'grown', 'produced', 'made' and 'packed' mean?
  • When can I make a 'made in' claim?
  • How do I calculate the percentage of Australian content in my products?
  • How will the new requirements be enforced?

Register now to participate.