Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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2017 ABA AGM and Colonel Pulling Competition

ABA AGM and Colonel Pulling Competition

9am, Sunday 21 May 2017

Ballina RSL, River Street, Ballina NSW 2478

The 2017 ABA Annual General Meeting will be held at Ballina RSL.

Judging will also be conducted for the annual Colonel Pulling Inter-club Competition.


Pre-meeting Dinner

6.30pm, Saturday 20 May 2017

Ballina RSL Bistro, River Street, Ballina NSW 2478

As usual there will be an informal pre-meeting dinner the night before in the RSL's Boardwalk Bistro, for members, their families and friends.

Whilst we cannot book tables in the Bistro, members of the host club, Northern Rivers, will “reserve” tables at the eastern end of the Bistro. Wear your ABA Badge or Membership Card to help us identify each other!

This dinner provides a great opportunity to catch up with beekeepers from different parts of the state.


NSW Apiarists Association Field Day

9am - 4pm, Saturday 20 May 2017

Alstonville Showground, Alstonville

The North Coast Branch of the NSW Apiarists Association are hosting a Field Day at Alstonville Showground, the day before the ABA AGM.

The $5 admission charge includes a talk on Leptospermum species, with a supporting book being available for $28.

There will be numerous stallholders from the beekeeping industry. Stalls are still available - if you are interested, details can be found on the application form.