Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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BEE BIOSECURITY: Should the DPI abolish registration fees for amateurs? Have your say...

The Department of Primary Industry is currently seeking submissions from beekeepers on two important biosecurity questions that AFFECT US ALL:

  • What are the most effective mechanisms to educate and communicate with small-scale operators, especially in peri-urban areas, about the biosecurity risks associated with beekeeping?
  • How should DPI encourage small scale operators to register their hives?

Your opinion counts!

There are 2 ways you can help:

1. Complete the ABA Survey

To make it easy for beekeepers to share their views, the ABA are collecting opinions and comments via this online survey:

It will take just a few moments to complete. This survey closes at 5pm on Tuesday 20 June 2017.

2. Send your submission to the DPI

We also strongly encourage you and your club to make your voices heard directly:

(While the DPI policy paper focuses on apiary sites on public lands, questions 4a and 4b are the two most relevant to amateur beekeepers.)

Submissions will be accepted by the DPI until Sunday 25 June 2017.

Please feel free to forward this survey on to any other NSW beekeepers you know.

Thank you,

ABA Executive