Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Parramatta newsletter - July 2017

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In this Issue

  • Update on Ross’ Recovery
  • Beekeeping Registration Requirements
  • July Event – Christmas in July Dinner, Wednesday, 12 July 2017
  • June Club Event – Honey – could it be the sweet solution to the superbug crisis? - Summary
  • Feature – Step by Step Guide to a Tried and Tested Method of Melting Wax in a Microwave
  • Training by the NSW Apiarists' Association – Eucalyptus Identification Workshop – 5 and 6 August 2017
  • 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
  • Beekeeper Training Available
  • Beekeeping in Japan
  • Club Shop
  • ABA Fees 2017
  • Future events