Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2017

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In this issue:

  • Biosecurity Code of Practice
  • Manual, Registration Fees, Notifying Problems
  • Editorial: Getting the new rules to work
  • Our message to the Minister & Director General
  • Introducing the new ABA president
  • Anaphylaxis first aid: faster, simpler
  • Refining waste wax – safely – with your microwave
  • Ask the experts: our new online helpdesk
  • Honey wanted! Help protect Australia’s reputation
  • Hive hints. History. And bee facts
  • Save the date! Tocal Field Day October 14
  • DPI’s Rod Bourke on beekeeping for productivity
  • Around the clubs. Warré thoughts
  • Inveterate Inventor vs candy
  • Club contacts. Links