Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Illawarra field day reminder - September 2017


Top Bar Hives

This month we feature will feature Top Bar Hives presented by Gavin Smith. We will also hold an auction of bee equipment donated to our club from Bob Perkins' estate. For more info on this event click the "VIEW EVENTS" icon.

  • the shop will be open from approx 9.30AM 
  • the meeting starts at 10.00AM in the clubhouse
  • if weather permits we may inspect beehives in the apiary
  • please bring along your beekeeping protective clothing, if you don't have an outfit we can provide you one for the event

Bee Swarm Season Has Arrived

Spring is here and it's swarming season. Many swarms have already been collected by our members with much more to come. If you'd like to collect a bee swarm, make sure to contact Geoff at one of our meetings or via our website contact us page by clicking the bee icon above. 

Beekeeping for Beginners Courses: SOLD OUT

At present we have sold out of our upcoming beekeeping course but we will announce more courses for early 2018 soon. These beekeeping courses have special rates for partners and ALWAYS sell out so the earlier you book, the more chance you have to avoid disappointment.

Beekeepers Shop Trading Hours

We've added a new Apiary Shop page to our website that explains details of our shop opening times etc. Please click the icon above to see more