Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Weekend in Yass 17 - 18 February

Yass Field Day 17 February
ABA Council Meeting 18 February

The ABA will continue its tradition of supporting country beekeeping clubs by combining with the Yass and District Beekeepers Club to hold a Beekeeping Field Day and an ABA Council Meeting at Yass in February.

Saturday 17 February

Field Day commences at 10:45 am with a brief meeting outside the CWA Hall in Banjo Paterson Park, 78 Meehan St, Yass. From there, attendees will move a venue where Bruce White will open a bee hive. A light lunch will be available at the CWA Hall and, after lunch, presentations include First Aid for Beekeepers and other important topics, plus a forum on the ABA and how it operates.

Saturday dinner is organised at a local restaurant ­– attendance requires an RSVP to Rod on

Sunday 18 February

An ABA Council Meeting will be held in the CWA Hall from 9 am. All ABA members can attend and contribute to the decisions made. Significant topics will include:

  • Progress on the inaugural ABA Conference, AGM and Trade Show in May
  • ABA finances
  • Recent meetings between ABA and NSW DPI
  • Resolution of some beekeeping insurance questions
  • Organisation for Col Pulling Competition
  • Integrated beekeeping education programme
  • ABA history published
  • AFB detection month review
  • Varroa detection month in April