Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Have you recently seen a bumblebee?

Possible incursion in Sydney region

Bombus terrestris, the buff-tailed bumblebee or large earth bumblebee, is one of the most numerous bumblebee species in Europe. It is one of the main species used in greenhouse pollination, and so can be found in many countries and areas where it is not native, such as Tasmania.

NSW DPI is currently investigating a suspect report of a Bumblebee in Sydney and needs your help to report suspect sightings and catch specimens.   

The large earth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) is widespread in Tasmania, but is not known on the Australian mainland. 


  • Large, fat, hairy bee.
  • Worker bees are 8-22mm long.
  • Queen bees are up to about 25mm long.
  • Body is black with one yellow/ochre band across thorax and another across abdomen.
  • Tip of abdomen is buff or white.
  • Makes loud buzz when flying.

The bumbebee is substantially larger than a honeybee

Report all sightings to 1800 084 881 immediately. 

If you see bumblebees visiting flowers in your area, please try to take a photo of the bees, and if safe to do so, capture a specimen and put it in your freezer so that it can be provided to NSW DPI for identification. 

Bumblebees can be confused with the native carpenter bees and teddy bear bees.

Please visit for further images and information about the bumblebee.