Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Northern Rivers field day reminder - April 2021

Northern Rivers Amateur Beekeeping Association Incorporated 

Field Day 2nd May 2021 Myocum 

The next field day will be on 2nd May at the home of Susan and Bill Nicholls, 687 Myocum  Rd, Myocum. Organised activities for the day are  

(a) Experienced beekeepers talking about the humble smoker, covering the operation, the  maintenance, and safety aspects. 

(b) Inspection of flow hives, including looking at the brood and removing honey. Bill has  two very successful flow hives to talk about and to demonstrate to us. It is a good time to be  talking about candied honey in conventional and Flow hives. Bring your beekeeping gear.  

The day will commence at 9.30 am with a welcome by the President, and the beekeeping  activities will start at 10.30 am. Lunch of sausages and salad will be served at about 12.30  pm, and the raffle will be held before the end of the day at 1.30pm. 

All attendees are asked to bring either a morning tea item or a salad for lunch. As a guide,  bring enough for twice the size of your group. Lunch will cost $5. 

In the past, the club has always relied on lunch payments and the raffle to provide funds for  the operation of the club. Additional raffle items are always appreciated. Raffle tickets will  cost $2. 

So, remember to bring 

  • Salad or/morning tea 

  • Raffle items 

  • Chairs  

  • Nametags 


Property is at 687 Myocum Road, Myocum. The driveway is on the left coming from the  Ewingsdale Interchange (Byron Bay) on the M1, and the entrance has a letterbox with three  numbers (687,681,685) on it, and a sign saying “Electrician”. Follow the bitumen driveway  for about 250 meters, go over a cattle grid on to two concrete tracks, follow this for 150  meters, then take first right up the hill on a bitumen road. This takes you to the house. 

From Mullumbimby, take Coolamon Scenic Drive until you reach Myocum Road on the left. Look for the bee signs. 

Please be considerate when you park. 

All welcome. 

More information from Kevin 6684 9213 Brian 0466 790 736