Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Varroa: Industry Briefing

AHBIC will be providing members the honey bee industry a briefing on the progress of the Varroa mite Emergency Response.

About this event

Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) CEO Danny Le Feuvre will provide an update on the Varroa Mite Emergency Response in NSW, joined by key members of the response team from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI).

  • When: Wednesday 31 August, 6pm to 7pm EST

  • Where: Zoom event - link will be provided following registration

Interested members of the honeybee industry are invited to register for the briefing. The Zoom link to join the event will be sent out to registered attendees before the event.

This meeting is open to all, but you will need to register for the event by clicking the button below: