Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Fighting chalkbrood, with Jody Gerdts

Jody Gerdts

Jody Gerdts is a fourth generation beekeeper who is currently working on her PhD through Latrobe University studying Australian chalkbrood and hygienic behaviour.

Chalkbrood is a fast-acting fungal disease, which kills brood when larvae eat food infected by chalkbrood spores, and can cause a rapid weakening of colonies.

With no registered chemicals available to control chalkbrood, we need a better understanding of this disease in order to improve its management in Australia.

Jody is researching the behaviour of different chalkbrood strains, and investigating the potential to combat the disease with selective breeding.

Do you want to know more?

Jody is speaking about her research at the 2019 ABA Conference.

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