The Amateur Beekeeper - June/July 2019

In this issue:


    • The Art and Science of Beekeeping

    • Details of this year’s special bee celebration.

    • Get your tickets!

  • Programme and Planner

    • Speakers and topics

  • News and More

    • Stamps go native.

    • Label law.

    • Brush up your skills.

    • Quiz yourself

  • Industry

    • Manuka gets a seal of approval

  • Club News

    • Council grant for young club

  • President’s Letter

    • A year in review

  • Regulations

    • Council rules for beekeepers and honey sellers

  • Membership

    • Welcome packs for new sign-ups

  • Show rules

    • Pfund it! How honey is graded

  • Trees for Bees

    • Swamp Mahogany

  • Advice

    • Before you build a bee empire . . .

  • Contacts

  • Inveterate inventor

    • Bottling without mess or stress

The Amateur Beekeeper - April/May 2019

In this issue:


    • The Art and Science of Beekeeping

    • Details of this year’s special three- day bee celebration at Richmond

  • Our Speakers

    • Discover some of the experts who will be presenting

  • How, What, When and Beds

    • Time to make your plans. Here’s what you need to know

  • Seasonal Tasks

    • How to winter your bees

  • Member Benefits

    • Log book questions answered

  • Bee Behaviour

    • Messy landing boards explained

  • President’s Letter

    • How to thrive in boom times

  • Biosecsecurity

    • April is Sugar Shake Month. Check your bees and be a good citizen scientist

  • Inter Club Contest

    • Colonel Pulling gets a makeover. Here are the details of the new – and simpler to enter – contest. Be in it!

  • Member Awards

    • Calling all brilliant minds, clever hands, smart thinkers and cheery faces! New awards for beekeepers

  • Contacts

  • Inveterate inventor

    • Catching elusive queens

The Amateur Beekeeper - February/March 2019

In this issue:

  • 2019 CONFERENCE: The Art and Science of Beekeeping

  • Member Benefits: Log Book for 2019: Get yours now!

  • Seasonal Tips: Inspections in hot weather

  • Tree ID: Lemon Scented Tea Tree

  • President’s Letter: The Joy of Entering Honey Shows

  • Regulations: Powers of the Bee Inspector

  • Club Competition: Get ready: 2019 Interclub Contest

  • Individual Awards: ABA celebrates beekeepers like you

  • Bee Tactics: Four ways to find the Queen

  • Insurance update

  • Bee Science: New findings on how varroa attacks

  • Overheard: Bee store musings

  • Biosecurity: Code of Practice: How to get a copy

  • Contacts

  • ABA Business: Next council meeting

  • Beekeeping Hacks: Moving a hive a short distance

  • Inveterate inventor: Preparing cut comb

The Amateur Beekeeper - December/January 2019

The Amateur Beekeeper - December/January 2019

In this issue:

  • Fees and Premiums

    • ABA: Good news for members

  • Records

    • Logbook

  • What’s in Flower?

    • Brush Box essentials

  • President’s Letter

    • 2018 in review

  • Biosecurity Safety

    • A warning on the use of Phostoxin and similar treatments

  • Club News

    • Book: Bee Gardens in Goulburn

    • Blue Mountains and New England

  • Bee Whispering

    • Read your bees without lifting the lid, and more

  • Look out for the Bee Double

  • Biosecurity

    • Know your code

    • Update on ACCC

  • Contacts

  • Code of Practice

  • Native Bee Guide

  • Baby warning

  • Honeybee Health Survey

  • Pests

    • Dealing with Small Hive Beetle

    • Diy SHB trap: the recipe

  • Inveterate inventor

    • Cut-out comb

The Amateur Beekeeper - October/November 2018

In this issue:

  • Biosecurity: AFB Awareness Month

  • Seasonal: Tallowwood: all show, no joy

  • President’s letter: What AHBIC does for beekeepers

  • Biosecurity quiz: Are you slack or superb? Find out

  • Club news: Yass’ grand apiary opening

  • Swarm season update

  • Technology: Electronic hive monitoring: How it works, what to avoid

  • Beekeeping rules: Know your code. Find the error

  • Tocal Field Day

  • ABA contacts

  • Know your code answer

  • Book reviews

    • The Contented Bee

    • Bees of Australia: Photography

  • Council Meeting details

  • Apimondia 2019: Montreal

  • Insects: Are we being rough on wasps?

  • Member news

  • Inveterate inventor: Branding boxes

  • How to contact clubs

The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2018

The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2018
  • Seasonal tasks: Feeding Bees. How, when and why

  • Bad habits: The ‘Attenborough sugar saga’

  • President’s letter: Varroa action plan: at the ready

  • Biosecurity quiz: Tropilaelaps. Test your knowledge

  • Eucalypt ID course.

  • Survey winner

  • Conference: Survey results and comments

  • Biosecurity: Know your code. Learn the rules

  • Education: Mead making. Bee Ambassadors

  • Council meeting.

  • Contacts

  • News bite 50 shades of drone

  • Know your code answer

  • Book review: A Guide to Native Bees of Australia

  • Tocal Beekeepers’ Field Day 2018

  • Biosecurity rules Nuisance bees

  • Vote for pollinator supporters

  • Behaviour Bee Toes

  • Member news Pollen in the limelight, Club life member

  • Inveterate inventor Branding boxes

  • Club contacts

The Amateur Beekeeper - April/May 2018

The Amateur Beekeeper - April/May 2018

In this issue:

  • Sugar Shake Month. Learn a new skill
  • Conference and Field Day. Details
  • Deadlines for Col Pulling. Pro Tips
  • Volunteer! Take a stall! Bee there!
  • Meet our lineup of speakers
  • Next generation keepers
  • Bumblebee incursion: behind the scenes
  • How to winter bees
  • Making cosmetics? Important rules
  • Honey Show. Judge’s report
  • Quiz: Test your varroa knowledge
  • Club grants
  • DIY Sugar Shaker
  • Executive tasks
  • Moving bees. Contacts

The Amateur Beekeeper - February/March 2018

The Amateur Beekeeper - February/March 2018

In this issue:

  • Events. Competition rules
  • Hints and tips for winning prizes
  • Varroa discovery. Hive branding
  • ABA Conference: Tickets and outline
  • New honey label regulations: Get ready
  • Easter Show Volunteers
  • Tribute to John Humphries
  • ABA Shop. Yass Weekend. Sugar shake
  • RAS entries. ABA history
  • Inveterate Inventor: uncapped frame stand
  • Neonic victory. Contest winner. Research
  • Collecting swarms: right vs wrong ways
  • Club contacts and executive.

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2017

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2017

In this issue:

  • 2018 Membership Now Open
  • AFB Survey Results. City Field Day
  • Announcing 2018 Conference Details And Ticket Offer
  • Stop Package Bees Absconding
  • Melopita: Ricotta Honey Cake
  • Three Ways To Show-And-Tell
  • New Bee Discovery   
  • Biosecurity Officer. Bee Identification
  • Illawarra Guests. Contest Win
  • Build Your Own Bee Vac    
  • Spotlight On: Manning Valley   
  • Clubs On The Move
  • Contacts And Resources