The Amateur Beekeeper - February/March 2021

The Amateur Beekeeper - February/March 2021
  • President’s letter

  • Committee changes

  • Free honey testing for AFB

  • B-QUAL explained

  • Embedding: the warm wax trick to get great frames

  • How to report bee poisonings

  • Nine things to remember when extracting honey

  • Jim Wright’s grand adventures with bees

  • ABA membership Q & A

  • The allure of blue: how flowers attract bees’ attention

  • Learn at home: links to useful sites and resources

  • Bee puns and jokes: the winners

  • Bees in the Snowy

  • Club news from Wagga Wagga

  • How to volunteer for the ABA

  • Sugar shake testing: do before it gets too cold

  • DIY projects. Learn to rear queen bees

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2020/January 2021

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2020/January 2021

In this issue:

  • President’s letter

  • News and campaigns

  • Contaminated beeswax, and what you can do about it

  • Catch boxes for swarms. Know the regulations

  • Producing perfect wax combs. Why heat matters

  • Catching the bug! Adventures of a new beekeeper

  • When poison strikes. How to spot and treat affected hives

  • Home learning resources.

  • Selling, gifting or disposing of bees

  • Planting guides.

  • Naming 1000 native bees.

  • Scholarships

  • National Honey Levy and what it does to help all beekeeers

  • Research projects into the future: electronic noses and superhoney

  • Temper, temper! Cranky bees and how to tell how agro they really are

  • How many bees it takes to . . .

  • Toad at the Hive project

The Amateur Beekeeper - October/November 2020

The Amateur Beekeeper - October/November 2020

In this issue:

  • ABA news

  • Offers and campaigns

  • Beeswax under fire. Four things you can do to help.

  • AFB Awareness Month.

    • New alert system introduced

    • Two beekeepers tell how they dealt with AFB in their hives.

    • Special Steritech offer

  • Extracting honey: tips for success and low mess

  • Plan Bee: Breeding better queens.

    • Have your say on what traits matter

  • Fight back against European wasps.

    • Act now to stop new nests.

    • Recipe for a trap that works

  • Tocal Virtual Field Day speakers.

  • Learn from home

  • Swarms and the risks of AFB

  • Beekeeping fail: proving we all learn from our mistakes!

  • Our inveterate inventor is making mesh lids. Plus a quick fix

  • Why you need a barrier system

  • ABA team. How to contact us

The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2020

The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2020

In this issue:

  • ABA news

  • Contest results

  • What to consider when putting bees on a roof. Read this first!

  • Bee topics Q&A. Controlling small hive beetles in drawn comb

  • How honey samples are tested for AFB in the lab

  • Tocal Beekeepers’ Field Day 2020 - The Honey Show will go on!

  • Beekeeper registration and the extractor that changed the rules

  • The basics of sacbrood

  • Free online training announced

  • DIY boxes to transport honey frames with less mess

  • Stingless-bee honey’s healthy wonder ingredient

  • Stocking Australia’s honey reference library

  • Club news: training and new resources

  • Book review

  • Join the swarm register

  • ABA team. How to contact us

The Amateur Beekeeper - June/July 2020

The Amateur Beekeeper - June/July 2020

In this issue:

  • ABA activities: an update

  • Short film contest winners

  • Code of Practice for beekeepers

    • Get ready for the new rules – Try our online quiz. Win a prize

  • Artificial comb. A better solution or a bigger problem?

    • Bruce White reports

    • And a real life test with some very unexpected results

  • Here’s how bees hang together to construct their comb

  • Getting creative with hive decoration

  • Virtual conference tickets

  • European Foulbrood: a myth, and the facts on how to treat it

  • Step-by-step guide to building and painting bee boxes to make them last

  • When the diagnosis is American Foulbrood: the safe and correct way to deal with the aftermath

  • Membership FAQs

  • ABA team and contacts

The Amateur Beekeeper - April/May 2020

In this issue:

  • ABA round up

  • Colonel Pulling interclub competition

    • The results are in!

    • Honey report. Special prizes

    • Club report and club promotion

    • Quiz round

    • What’s your score? Do the quiz online

  • Tips and tricks

    • Honey: when to extract, how to show

  • News

    • Coronavirus and beekeeping

  • Biosecurity

    • Common questions about AFB answered

    • Testing honey for AFB

    • Sugar Shake campaign

  • Contests

    • Can you make a bee-rated movie?

  • Inveterate inventor

    • DIY steam box

  • Native bees

    • Bee hotels: boon or bad idea?

    • Citizen science project

  • Membership

    • 2020 details

    • ABA contacts

The Amateur Beekeeper - Feb/March 2020

The Amateur Beekeeper - Feb/March 2020

In this issue:

  • Colonel Pulling Interclub Competition

    • How to enter the 2020 contest

    • Plus two extra prizes

  • News

    • Updates from the ABA and clubs

  • Membership

    • Membership packs mailing now

  • Better beekeeping

    • When to feed sugar, pollen and water

  • Inveterate inventor

    • Cleaning up old frames

  • Biosecurity

    • Club project: testing honey for AFB

  • Event weekend

    • Festival of Bees: Tickets now on sale

    • Member contests: Labels, hive art, yarns

  • Regulation

    • Honey fraud: what needs to be done

    • APIMONDIA president’s open letter

  • Better beekeeping

    • When bees are angry

    • AGM April 5 — Bathurst details

  • Citizen science

    • Help stop exotic bee invasions

  • Bee Q&A

    • Why some hives get stronger

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2019 /January 2020

In this issue:

  • President’s Letter - Drought and bushfires

  • Welcoming new clubs

  • Membership

    • 2020/21 fees explained

  • Events

    • An album of Field Day photos

  • Biosecurity

    • Honey analysis: calling for citizen scientists

  • Events

    • Announcing 2020 Festival of Bees

  • Insurance

    • Why lip balm is not covered

  • Contests

    • Interclub Competition: how your club can compete

    • Member contests. Four to enter

  • Survey

    • National honey bee check

  • Smokers vs total fire bans

  • Beekeeping tips

    • How to get show-quality honey

  • Inveterate inventor

    • Weighing buckets of honey

  • ABA Executive Team

The Amateur Beekeeper - October/November 2019

The Amateur Beekeeper - October/November 2019

In this issue:

  • President’s Letter: Spring surprise

  • Tips: Four equipment checks to do now

  • Adventures in swarm collecting

  • Events

    • ABA Field Day: November 10: Full programme. How to get tickets

  • Biosecurity

    • AFB month.

    • Stopping robber bees

  • ABA support

    • Club forum and training day

  • Brush up your queen spotting

  • Giving new colonies a boost

  • Australian Pollinator week

  • Organisation: The ABA/club structure explained

  • Native bees in the spotlight

  • Beekeepers’ Field Day at Tocal: Programme. Honey Contest

  • Bee forage: Growing grevilleas for bees

  • ABA executive team for 2019

  • Australian Native Bee Conference