The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2021

The Amateur Beekeeper - August/September 2021

In this issue:

  • President’s letter

  • Membership pack 2021/22

  • COVID lockdowns: what beekeepers can and cannot do

  • Lockdown decision chart

  • Get your honey tested to fight AFB

  • Beekeepers’ Field Day on October 16

  • Recipe: Bake a French honey loaf

  • Almond pollination time

  • Waging war on Small Hive Beetles

  • Get the most out of your membership in 2021/2022

  • Profile of a young beekeeper

  • Club news: Training with the experts

  • Put your honey in Australia’s Honey Library: how to join the project

  • New guides: identifying insects, and native stingless bee honey

  • Learn from home

  • Contact us

COVID-19 beekeeper travel restrictions - July 2021

The NSW Department of Primary Industries has issued the following advice for beekeepers during the current COVID-19 situation.

If you require any further clarification, please contact the DPI COVID Support Team at


Recreational operators are required to adhere to the Public Health Order and stay at home. Given the current health risks, there is nothing in the NSW Biosecurity Act that compels recreational beekeepers to breach, or be exempt from, the Public Health Order.


Commercial operations can conduct their business in accordance with the Public Health Order, as a reasonable excuse to leave home in the restricted movement area. Businesses should:

  • Have a COVID Business Safety Plan and ensure your workers follow this when on duty

  • Whilst traveling outside of the restricted movement areas, only stop for essential reasons such as rest stops, meal breaks, fuel, necessary supplies, or an emergency, and wear a mask while traveling.  

  • Follow all requirements for workers moving from restricted movement areas. This information may change regularly, and you should review frequently to ensure your business is complying. This includes mandatory testing and digital record keeping of workers and their movements.