The ABA Executive Committee
Vince got into beekeeping after a family gathering where his brother, sister and several cousins talked about bees. He first joined the Sydney club and in 2017 helped to establish the Northern Beaches club. He brings his Risk & Compliance experience from the financial services industry to the committee.
Vice President
Doug is the author of two books: Backyard Bees, a best-selling beginner’s guide to beekeeping; and The Bee Friendly Garden, which aims to encourage all Australians to provide for our beneficial insects by planting flowering plants and using less insecticides in their garden. He has served as president of the NSW Amateur beekeepers association and is a founding member of the Sydney city branch , served on the NSW DPI biosecurity panel, and was the beekeeping consultant and presenter on the ABC catalyst program The great Australian bee challenge.
Jacqueline began her hobby as a beekeeper in 2018 when joining the Hawkesbury Beekeepers club to learn more about the craft. The addiction was instant! Jacqueline soon became involved in the club committee as Membership Officer and helps out at club events to provide information about beekeeping, the Clubs and the ABA. Having completed 1 term as ABA Treasurer during 2022, Jacqueline is returning in that role to support the ABA committee in achieving its core objectives.
Biosecurity Officer
Mike began his obsession with bees in 2016. Currently engaged in his Cert III Beekeeping at Tocal College and Master Beekeeper Program at the University of Florida. Mike does bee presentations to garden clubs, schools and anyone else interested in bees.
Education Officer
Beekeeper from Scotland for over 28 years and currently Biosecurity Officer for Gold Coast Regional Beekeepers.
Participated in Scottish Beekeepers modular exams and gained Intermediate Certificate. Beekeeping. Interest is microscopy, to identify pollen, Nosema (ceranae and apis) and Acarine. Working knowledge of Varroa Management within an Integrated Pest Management system. Also, having an interest in training new beekeepers to meet their responsibilities and to practise good beekeeping husbandry.
Membership Officer
I have been a member of the ABA since December 2021 after purchasing my first Flow Hive. I grew up in South Africa and have always had a love of nature, animals and the environment. Beekeeping has ignited a new passion and has led to a greater love and appreciation of my garden, including the native pollinators I previously overlooked. It is not too surprising that my backyard apiary has now expanded and includes different hive styles. I am currently the Membership Officer and Apiary Officer for the Macarthur Beekeepers Association.
We are currently looking for a Secretary who takes care of the agenda and the minutes of the monthly committee meetings.
If you are interested, please reach out to any of the committee members.