The Amateur Beekeeper is the bi-monthly journal of the ABA. It is distributed by email to all current financial members of the ABA.
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In this Issue:
From the Editor
BOTULISM & BABIES & HONEY – fact or fallacy
Electrical safety risk with imported electrical gear
Packing Down Colonies for Winter
Why can’t I treat my bees for Varroa?
ABA Members’ Field Day
In this issue:
Editor’s letter
AGM details
Varroa: Play your part in the fight
Alcohol washing: do you know all these tips?
Teaching kids about bees
How varroa resilience officers can help you
ABA AGM: Member rights at risk?
Extracting honey: the correct way
Honey labels explained
How to win a honey competition
200 years of bees in Australia
Rookie mistakes: what’s yours?
ABA executive
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT PART 4 - Breed Your Own Queen Bees
Mating nucs
Handling cells
Bee vision explained
Marketing 101
In this issue:
President’s letter
Varroa contacts
AGM details
Beating the enemy: Varroa news
Renewals: behind the scenes
Coin countdown.
Braula, the other new pest.
Queen breeders’ survey
SPECIAL AFB PROJECT 100 free honey tests
NEW The16-week rule explained
Alcohol wash: Do it right. Do it now
Varroa 101: Know the basics
A cautionary tale about varroa
Club apiaries: what works (and what doesn’t work so well)
Wild bees: image of the year
Shop online. Support the ABA
ABA executive
Key facts. The cell builder. Cloake boards
Queen production
The schedule
How to graft
President’s letter
Pick of the best online information about varroa
Renewals and benefits
Offer: Honeybee coin.
Honey analysis research
VARROA: 21 QUESTIONS What beekeepers want to know
Mite tests explained
How to do an alcohol wash
DIY Alcohol washers
Into the mind of a bee
Swarm control
Anatomy. Genetics.
Drones and Workers
DCAs explained
Queen bee anatomy
Races. Breeder queens
Choices, Decisions, Actions
ABA executive
In this issue:
President’s letter
ABA AGM details
Name change: Results of our two recent member surveys
Name change: the proposal, plus FAQs answered
How to remedy a hive with laying workers
Slum gum
Safety warning for asbestos in bee smokers
Safest and best ways to launder your bee suit
ABA shop. Visit our online shop for great value beekeeping essentials
Toad at the hive: be a snitch
Native bees: getting ready for an exciting future
Exhibiting honey and apiary products: secrets to success
Learn from home: it’s never been easier or more entertaining
Executive committee: contact us
In this issue:
President’s letter
EXTRA MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT: Personal accident insurance
Insurance FAQs and links
Buzzworthy trivia quiz
Wax bloom explained, plus tips for rendering wax
How to stop your bees becoming a nuisance to others
Bees and blooms: how foragers know to look for flowers
Bee gold: science is unlocking the benefits bees get from honey
Club grants: how different beekeeping groups are using ABA grants
Spotlight on . . . Hastings Valley
Two simple recipes with special honey flavour
Honey hacks: cooking tips and a summer cocktail
Learn from home.
Contact us
In this issue:
President’s letter
AFB checks
Swarm collecting
Better beekeeping in a pandemic - Seven things to consider
Are you on the ABA Swarm System? Tips for getting calls
Honey Bee vision. How Apis mellifera sees the world
AFB Awareness: Inspect your hives in October
What to do if you think it’s AFB - Decision tree
Tricky questions about AFB: we investigate your queries
Club news: Junior field day; club upgrades planned
The other honey makers
The many benefits of thorough brood inspections
Learn from home
Contact us
In this issue:
President’s letter
Membership pack 2021/22
COVID lockdowns: what beekeepers can and cannot do
Lockdown decision chart
Get your honey tested to fight AFB
Beekeepers’ Field Day on October 16
Recipe: Bake a French honey loaf
Almond pollination time
Waging war on Small Hive Beetles
Get the most out of your membership in 2021/2022
Profile of a young beekeeper
Club news: Training with the experts
Put your honey in Australia’s Honey Library: how to join the project
New guides: identifying insects, and native stingless bee honey
Learn from home
Contact us
In this issue:
President’s letter
Membership pack 2021/22
Notifiable pests and diseases: what’s on the list and how to check
Chalkbrood research: what makes a hive develop problems.
Sugar shake kits.
Linton Briggs.
Honey’s prebiotic powers
Get the most out of your ABA membership
Club news: Gold Coast, Hastings Valley and Hawkesbury updates
Good news on funding for beekeeper training and short courses
Drone congregation behaviours: how science is unlocking a puzzle
Phostoxin: The rules, the dangers
Learn from home: ideas to expand your knowledge and keep you entertained
In this issue:
President’s letter
Easter show news
Have your say on NSW planning rules for beekeepers
Sugar shake time. Make sure you do the test correctly: here’s how
Nine things to remember when selling your honey
How to avoid beekeeping accidents: Pointers for clubs and members
Keep track of those bees! Know your record-keeping responsibilities when you sell, trade or giveaway bees (even swarms)
Two new clubs
Acacia flowering chart
Jargon explained
Membership Q&A
Celebrate World Bee Day on May 20. Ideas for events you can join and others you can organise
All about Slovenian AZ hives: Adventures on the Gold Coast
Learn at home
Your help needed on future projects
President’s letter
Committee changes
Free honey testing for AFB
B-QUAL explained
Embedding: the warm wax trick to get great frames
How to report bee poisonings
Nine things to remember when extracting honey
Jim Wright’s grand adventures with bees
ABA membership Q & A
The allure of blue: how flowers attract bees’ attention
Learn at home: links to useful sites and resources
Bee puns and jokes: the winners
Bees in the Snowy
Club news from Wagga Wagga
How to volunteer for the ABA
Sugar shake testing: do before it gets too cold
DIY projects. Learn to rear queen bees
In this issue:
President’s letter
News and campaigns
Contaminated beeswax, and what you can do about it
Catch boxes for swarms. Know the regulations
Producing perfect wax combs. Why heat matters
Catching the bug! Adventures of a new beekeeper
When poison strikes. How to spot and treat affected hives
Home learning resources.
Selling, gifting or disposing of bees
Planting guides.
Naming 1000 native bees.
National Honey Levy and what it does to help all beekeeers
Research projects into the future: electronic noses and superhoney
Temper, temper! Cranky bees and how to tell how agro they really are
How many bees it takes to . . .
Toad at the Hive project
In this issue:
ABA news
Offers and campaigns
Beeswax under fire. Four things you can do to help.
AFB Awareness Month.
New alert system introduced
Two beekeepers tell how they dealt with AFB in their hives.
Special Steritech offer
Extracting honey: tips for success and low mess
Plan Bee: Breeding better queens.
Have your say on what traits matter
Fight back against European wasps.
Act now to stop new nests.
Recipe for a trap that works
Tocal Virtual Field Day speakers.
Learn from home
Swarms and the risks of AFB
Beekeeping fail: proving we all learn from our mistakes!
Our inveterate inventor is making mesh lids. Plus a quick fix
Why you need a barrier system
ABA team. How to contact us
In this issue:
ABA news
Contest results
What to consider when putting bees on a roof. Read this first!
Bee topics Q&A. Controlling small hive beetles in drawn comb
How honey samples are tested for AFB in the lab
Tocal Beekeepers’ Field Day 2020 - The Honey Show will go on!
Beekeeper registration and the extractor that changed the rules
The basics of sacbrood
Free online training announced
DIY boxes to transport honey frames with less mess
Stingless-bee honey’s healthy wonder ingredient
Stocking Australia’s honey reference library
Club news: training and new resources
Book review
Join the swarm register
ABA team. How to contact us
In this issue:
ABA activities: an update
Short film contest winners
Code of Practice for beekeepers
Get ready for the new rules – Try our online quiz. Win a prize
Artificial comb. A better solution or a bigger problem?
Bruce White reports
And a real life test with some very unexpected results
Here’s how bees hang together to construct their comb
Getting creative with hive decoration
Virtual conference tickets
European Foulbrood: a myth, and the facts on how to treat it
Step-by-step guide to building and painting bee boxes to make them last
When the diagnosis is American Foulbrood: the safe and correct way to deal with the aftermath
Membership FAQs
ABA team and contacts
In this issue:
ABA round up
Colonel Pulling interclub competition
The results are in!
Honey report. Special prizes
Club report and club promotion
Quiz round
What’s your score? Do the quiz online
Tips and tricks
Honey: when to extract, how to show
Coronavirus and beekeeping
Common questions about AFB answered
Testing honey for AFB
Sugar Shake campaign
Can you make a bee-rated movie?
Inveterate inventor
DIY steam box
Native bees
Bee hotels: boon or bad idea?
Citizen science project
2020 details
ABA contacts
In this issue:
Colonel Pulling Interclub Competition
How to enter the 2020 contest
Plus two extra prizes
Updates from the ABA and clubs
Membership packs mailing now
Better beekeeping
When to feed sugar, pollen and water
Inveterate inventor
Cleaning up old frames
Club project: testing honey for AFB
Event weekend
Festival of Bees: Tickets now on sale
Member contests: Labels, hive art, yarns
Honey fraud: what needs to be done
APIMONDIA president’s open letter
Better beekeeping
When bees are angry
AGM April 5 — Bathurst details
Citizen science
Help stop exotic bee invasions
Bee Q&A
Why some hives get stronger