Central Coast




PRESIDENt & Secretary


Apiary Officer

Central Coast Amateur Beekeepers meets at the 4th Wed of the month at the Community Trust Hall in Erina. Our aim is to improve the knowledge and skills of beekeepers.

We are a diverse and enthusiastic group of amateur apiarists who are happy to help new beekeepers who join the club. There is a wealth of knowledge available to all, and members can access our mentor scheme, and extensive library service, club loan equipment, and participate in various education programs, market days and in honey product competitions and alike.

Please visit our website www.centralcoastbees.org to get details of our regular meetings, events and to access contact details relating to our Committee members. Copies of our newsletters are also available throughout the club website.


If you are interested in beekeeping please come to a meeting.

The Central Coast club meets on the forth Wednesday of the month at the Community Trust Hall, 27 Karalta Rd, Erina, NSW 2250.

  • Beginning in bees: 6.00pm - 6.45pm

  • General meeting: 7.00pm sharp

 New members are always welcome.