Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Job Opportunity

NSW seeks new Bee Biosecurity Officer

Are you interested in becoming the state government's new Bee Biosecurity Officer?

It’s a key position to help alert and educate beekeepers — and others —  about the threats of bee pests and diseases. The Department of Primary Industry is currently advertising the role, based at Orange/Menangle. Applications close on March 7.

Over the past few months, the ABA’s Doug Purdie has been involved, along with key players in the beekeeping industry, in developing the job description for this all important role that will deliver the NSW component of the National Bee Biosecurity Plan. The new BBO, reporting to the DPI’s Manager of Plant Biosecurity Prevention and Preparedness, will work with people at all levels of the bee industry and honey supply chain to ensure everyone knows about and understands how to best protect our bees from harm.

"It’s a critical role that can help ensure the future health of all bee colonies in Australia — from one hive in a backyard, to the thousands managed by commercial beekeepers in a multi-billion-dollar agricultural industry. Being able to respond quickly and effectively to new emergencies, such as threats of varroa mite, will be vital,”  says Doug

For further information, including salary and a full job description, click here.