Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Are you a swarm collector?

The season is beginning to kick in, so now's the time to check your details are correct on the ABA's  swarm collector register.

Each ABA member can list up to 10 postcodes where they will collect swarms as a service to the local community. Swarm collector details are available for the public to search and make contact if they wish.

To list your details, you simply need to

  • be a current member of the ABA
  • have experience collecting swarms
  • be registered as a beekeeper with the DPI
  • be prepared to collect swarms for free or minimal costs to cover expenses.

To make the register easy for the public to use,  please specify your base suburb, any limitations on what you are prepared to collect, and if you require payment for expenses. The ABA's personal beekeeping insurance will not cover swarm collecting if it is viewed as a commercial activity, so any charges must be nominal and must be listed in the message.

Step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process of updating your details.