Amateur Beekeepers Australia

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Parramatta newsletter - October 2017

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In this issue

  • October 2017 is AFB Awareness Month
  • New Biosecurity Act of 2016
  • October Club Event – DHA levels in Leptospermum
  • September Event – Making Championship Meads with Michael Syme – Summary
  • Feature – When to Open Your Hives Following Winter
  • Wanted!
  • Apiary Plan
  • Tocal Beekeepers’ Field Day
  • Note of Appreciation From a Club Member
  • Are You Swarm Ready?
  • Beekeeper Training Available
  • 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
  • Club Shop
  • What’s in Stock in the Shop?
  • Calendar - 2017
  • Calendar – 2018/19
  • Michael Syme’s Mead Hand-Out