Club newsletter

Parramatta newsletter - November 2016

Parramatta newsletter - November 2016

In this Issue

  • Beekeeper Registration Requirements
  • Parramatta Branch of the ABA - Code of Conduct
  • December Event – Christmas BBQ – 14 December 2016
  • November Meeting Event – Inventor’s Night - Summary
  • Member Library
  • Parramatta Branch Annual General Meeting– 8 March 2017
  • ABA Fees 2017
  • Club Shop
  • Parramatta Branch of the ABA – 2016 Position Holders
  • Beekeeper Training
  • Future Events

Illawarra newsletter - November 2016

Illawarra newsletter - November 2016

This month we will be installing our recently purchased flow hive. The brood box is already strong and our bees are bringing in lots of pollen and nectar so we will install the flow super and frames. We will also feature information on pollinator week and introduce visitors to some of our native bee colonies.

Macarthur newsletter - September 2016

Macarthur newsletter - September 2016

At this time of the year do avoid changes to the brood area. It is the heart of your colony. Once the temperatures rise and the flowers and blossoms yield pollen and nectar the Queen’s egg production is rapidly increasing and the brood nest is growing which leads to a rapidly growing colony. The bees should have enough room in the brood box now, otherwise adding another brood box might be helpful.