Club newsletter

Parramatta newsletter - October 2017

In this issue

  • October 2017 is AFB Awareness Month
  • New Biosecurity Act of 2016
  • October Club Event – DHA levels in Leptospermum
  • September Event – Making Championship Meads with Michael Syme – Summary
  • Feature – When to Open Your Hives Following Winter
  • Wanted!
  • Apiary Plan
  • Tocal Beekeepers’ Field Day
  • Note of Appreciation From a Club Member
  • Are You Swarm Ready?
  • Beekeeper Training Available
  • 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
  • Club Shop
  • What’s in Stock in the Shop?
  • Calendar - 2017
  • Calendar – 2018/19
  • Michael Syme’s Mead Hand-Out

Illawarra field day reminder - September 2017

Illawarra field day reminder - September 2017


Top Bar Hives

This month we feature will feature Top Bar Hives presented by Gavin Smith. We will also hold an auction of bee equipment donated to our club from Bob Perkins' estate. For more info on this event click the "VIEW EVENTS" icon.

  • the shop will be open from approx 9.30AM 
  • the meeting starts at 10.00AM in the clubhouse
  • if weather permits we may inspect beehives in the apiary
  • please bring along your beekeeping protective clothing, if you don't have an outfit we can provide you one for the event

Macarthur newsletter - September 2017

Macarthur newsletter - September 2017

It has been a strange month weather wise. Cold, windy and warm and just as you think that it could be a good time to open the hives, the wind comes up. What to do? By now your spring check should have been made. Don't forget to record all the information you collect as this is a legal requirement.

Parramatta newsletter - September 2017

Parramatta newsletter - September 2017

In this Issue

  • Club Auction
  • New Biosecurity Act of 2016
  • September Event – Making Championship Meads with Michael Syme
  • August Club Event – Swarm Capture
  • Feature – Winter Honey Flows (White Box)
  • Feature – Spring / Summer Hive Management
  • Are you swarm ready?
  • Beekeeper Training Available
  • Feature – How to Get Fat Honeycomb
  • Wanted!
  • 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
  • Club Shop
  • Future events - 2017
  • Future events - 2018

Illawarra Field Day Reminder - August 2017

Illawarra Field Day Reminder - August 2017

Beekeeping Workshop

This month we will host two guest speakers Rob and Sue Edwards featuring a presentation on Hivemind and their recent visit to the New Zealand Beekeeping conference. Hivemind was just one of about 20 exhibitors of hive monitoring devices and systems. 

  • the shop will be open from approx 9.30AM 
  • the meeting starts at 10.00AM in the clubhouse
  • if weather permits we may inspect beehives in the apiary
  • please bring along your beekeeping protective clothing, if you don't have an outfit we can provide you one for the event