Club newsletter

Parramatta newsletter - November 2017

In this issue...

  • New Biosecurity Act of 2016
  • November Event – Q&A and Honey Judging
  • December Event – Christmas BBQ – 13 December 2017
  • October Club Event – DHA levels in Leptospermum - Summary
  • Are You Swarm Ready?
  • Beekeeper Training Available
  • 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
  • Club Shop
  • What’s in Stock in the Shop?
  • Wanted!
  • Calendar - 2017
  • Calendar – 2018/19

Bega Valley newsletter - October 2017

Bega Valley newsletter - October 2017

The club will soon be taking on a hive monitoring role for the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), which will be establishing 2 sentinel hives at the Port of Eden.

This is part of the National Sentinel Hive Program which was established in 2000 to improve post-border monitoring around Australia for exotic pests of honey bees, including Varroa mites, Tropilaelaps mites and Tracheal mite.

Northern Rivers - Last meeting for 2017

Northern Rivers Amateur Beekeepers Association

Last Meeting for 2017

November 26th

Location: Meldrum Park, Norton Street Ballina

Time: 9:30am start

A Celebratory Luncheon

Will be provided by the club

Including a moderate amount of alcohol (wine & beer)

Please bring your own picnic utensils (cups, plates, cutlery), chairs, sun screen, hat, insect repellent and a plate of your favourite celebratory food to share
It has been a big year for the NRABA, which is now the 3rd biggest Amateur Beekeepers Association in NSW, so come and celebrate new friendships and all that we have learnt and shared.

Children always welcome

RSVP: Sally 6624 3317 or Sandy 0406104693

by November 15th 2017 (for catering)

Macarthur newsletter - October 2017

Macarthur newsletter - October 2017

What a dry month it has been. That means that you need to make sure that your bees have access to water. Many of us never see the bees drinking but they do. If their usual water has dried up, the water you provide will be used even if you don’t see them use it.