The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2020/January 2021

The Amateur Beekeeper - December 2020/January 2021

In this issue:

  • President’s letter

  • News and campaigns

  • Contaminated beeswax, and what you can do about it

  • Catch boxes for swarms. Know the regulations

  • Producing perfect wax combs. Why heat matters

  • Catching the bug! Adventures of a new beekeeper

  • When poison strikes. How to spot and treat affected hives

  • Home learning resources.

  • Selling, gifting or disposing of bees

  • Planting guides.

  • Naming 1000 native bees.

  • Scholarships

  • National Honey Levy and what it does to help all beekeeers

  • Research projects into the future: electronic noses and superhoney

  • Temper, temper! Cranky bees and how to tell how agro they really are

  • How many bees it takes to . . .

  • Toad at the Hive project