Far North Coast meeting postponed

May Club meeting postponed

Due to the continuing wet condition the Far North Coast bee club meeting will have to be postponed once again. I am very sorry to inform you at such a late stage but we were hoping to be able to hold the day. More rain is predicted over the weekend so we will look toward June for a catch up day. At Least you will be able to have a sleep in and enjoy mother's day.

Again sorry for the inconvenience....

Chris Shands

Far North Coast President

Australian Beekeeper Award 2022: time to enter!

Australian Beekeeper Award 2022: time to enter!

The Australian Beekeeper Award is open to all beekeepers who are raising awareness of the important role honey bees play in pollination and global food security.

If this sounds like you, or someone you know, download the application form and submit your entry now!

Closing date: 31 March 2022