I would advise that a seventh detection of Asian bees (Apis cerana) has been found in Townsville in the eaves of a house on Friday 23 September. As there were no Varroa jacobsoni found in the nest it becomes 7POR (Premise of Relevance). It was found in the same area of Hyde Park that previous POR’s have been found.
This nest had a laying worker. If it had not been found it would have died out.
Since 7POR has been found, there have been no further drones found with the helium balloons.
Also there have been no foraging cerana workers sighted.
To date no cerana wings have been found in the rainbow bee eater pellets.
So this is all good news. Surveillance work by ground crews and also using the helium balloon is ongoing.
The eradication program goes into the Response Program phase from 21 October, 2016.
Trevor Weatherhead
Executive Director
29 September, 2016