Beekeepers' hives destroyed by fire

Beekeepers' hives destroyed by fire

A beekeeper’s hives were destroyed by fire due to owner’s lack of responsibility to comply with the legal requirements to identify all brood boxes.

The devastating loss of a commercial load of bees, estimated to be worth between $10,000 and $15,000 may have been diverted if the owner had clearly identified the brood boxes with the owner’s registered beekeepers number.

A frantic phone call from a concerned local resident was made to inform the authorities that a load of beehives were in direct line of a raging bush fire. When asked did he know the owner of the hives or were there any identification on the boxes the reply was a sad, no.

The hives were placed there by the owner without seeking permission of informing the land owner or land manager.

All the hives were destroyed in the fire that passed through the apiary site.

Eventually the owner of the hives came forward. When asked if he knew the requirements to identify all brood boxes he admitted that indeed he knew of that requirement.

A fact sheet entitled Identifying beehives was provided to the beekeeper. He then left to start identifying all of his other brood boxes under his control.

This situation and similar ones have occurred in the past. You could be placed in the same situation if you do not identify all brood boxes under your control.

For further details on identifying brood boxes and other legal requirement please refer to the following web site or phone Mick Rankmore on 02 6741 8374.