Bega Valley Amateur Beekeepers Inc.
June 2017 Members Update
Hello fellow beekeepers!
Welcome to the rather late edition of last month’s Members Update
Our guest speaker Sandy Farrell gave an insightful presentation at the June club meeting on “The reasons for registering your hives and how to go about it”
Some of the key messages Sandy gave were:
Why do you have to register as a beekeeper?
Firstly it’s a statutory requirement of the Apiaries Act 1985 (NSW). It also provides a mechanism to keep beekeepers informed about disease and pest control and to alert beekeepers to disease or pest outbreaks.
Importantly, it enables DPI to monitor the movement of beekeepers out of or into the industry.
How do you register on-line?
It’s very easy and here are 2 options that get you into the right place, but first log onto the DPI website
Then either go into the search field and type “beekeepers registration” – you will be taken directly to the relevant page; or
From the home page, place your cursor on “Animals and Livestock”, then from the drop down box “honey bees” – beekeeper registration (
Once registered, the NSW DPI allocates a unique number to the beekeeper e.g. NG214 which must be displayed on your brood box(s) within 60 days. You must also notify NSW DPI if hives are sold or disposed of. Beekeepers who purchase established hives from other beekeepers must display their unique registration number on the brood box(s). The previous owner’s registration number is to be struck out but not obliterated.
There are some very useful guides and codes of practice to assist beekeepers:
NSW DPI – Primefacts “Beekeeping Code of Practice for NSW”
“The Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice”
NSW DPI “Duties of Beekeepers”
NSW DPI – Primefacts “Responsible Beekeeping”
Beekeepers must maintain records of biosecurity related actions and observations and must be kept for a minimum of 3 years.
Bega Beekeepers now on Facebook
Have you seen the Club’s Facebook page?
If not go to
Biosecurity News
The Department of Primary Industries’ recently appointed Bee Biosecurity Officer, Rod Bourke, has offered to attend a future club meeting, and share his invaluable knowledge on beekeeping and best practice. Rod comes from a commercial beekeeping family, and has a very long history in beekeeping and a solid understanding of the industry. This will be an evening not to be missed so stay tuned!
July Meeting Learning Topic
Lyall Zweck will lead a Question and Answer session – so come armed with all your questions (and photos if necessary).
About Langstroth hives
When cruising the internet recently I came across a very interesting article about “the inventor of modern beekeeping, Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth: see
Tip for the month
This month’s tip is from Garry Mallard
Winter is the time of year when we rarely crack our hives to take a peak. It is also the time of year hives are most vulnerable to damage caused by unchecked condensation. Keep an eye on the daily forecasts and should you spot the promise of 18C or above, be prepared to check your hives to address any condensation problems you might find. Doing so will help to ensure your hive is healthy and prepared for a bumper nectar harvest in spring. Not doing so may result in a surprise mushroom harvest instead.
If you have some useful tips to share for the next edition of Members Update please email them to
Club Equipment for Hire
Winter is the time to do some basic maintenance on hive boxes, build new frames and replace old foundation…..don’t leave it to the last minute …..See Fay if you need to hire the frame wiring jig.
Frame wiring jig eyelet tool, embedder and battery - $5 hire charge per session (being Friday to Sunday night, and Monday to Thursday night). Contact Fay on or 0423889486
Honey extractor - $15 hire charge and $20 deposit with the same hiring sessions as above. Contact Garry at
Next meeting:
11th July 2017 – Q&A Session led by Lyall. Once again if anyone can bring a contribution to supper it will be much appreciated.
All the best in beekeeping!
Fay Steward
Publicity Officer