Far North Coast newsletter - February 2020

Hello Beekeepers,

We had our first meeting for the year on the 10th of February at the workers club. We discussed the format for the club going forward. We have all decided that one month will be a field day and the next at the club for an information night. The next meeting will be at Tony & Di Lamont’s on Saturday March 14th (yes, you read that right Saturday). Please bring morning tea to share. The topics will be a sugar shake & hive inspection (weather permitting). If it’s been wet please phone to confirm. 

We have been asked to participate in this years lantern parade. This years theme is BEES. We will be having a stall on the day so further discussion will be held at the next meeting at the club in April so get your thinking caps on. This is an awesome opportunity to showcase bees, beekeeping & the other products which stem from our awesome bees. 

Hope to catch up with you all at Tony & Di’s happy beekeeping 

Tanya. Editor