
Apis cerana and Varroa jacobsoni In Townsville – No. 14

Apis cerana and Varroa jacobsoni In Townsville – No. 14

Advice has been received that on 18 October, 2016 a very small cluster of Asian bees was found at Belgian Gardens. This is about 4 kms from the original find at the port and about 400 metres from a previous find in the neighbouring suburb of North Ward.

No varroa mites were found on the bees. This becomes 9POR.

Currently no foraging Asian bees are being seen.

Apis cerana & Varroa Jacobsoni in Townsville – Update No. 8

Apis cerana & Varroa Jacobsoni in Townsville – Update No. 8

There have been no more reports of Apis cerana or Varroa jacobsoni in Townsville.

Feral nests of Apis mellifera continue to be found, destroyed and, where possible, the nests sent down to Brisbane for examination for mites. So far no mites, as we would expect.